Scale Model Buildings

The Largest Collection of Model Buildings.

Welcome to Scale Model Buildings, the home of the largest and most affordable printable model railway buildings.

  • New Town Buildings

New Town Buildings

Buy Now

We have over 500 exclusive printable model railroad buildings. From T scale
to 00, 1/450 to 1/76 we have all the scales covered. Including industrial
buildings, shops, offices and tower blocks. All ready to be printed and on your
railway layout in minutes!

To buy our models ready printed, visit our ebay store , with over 2000 positive reviews.

Be sure to sign up to our monthly newsletter for 25% discount off your first
order. Bring your layout to life with our printable model railway buildings.

What Our Customers Say

Simple and straightforward to assemble - Peter

Very adaptable buildings and good detail. - Andrew

Brilliant kits. Clear and easy to put together. Got more than one set now. - David

Excellent artwork, I am looking forward to building some for my own
layout and I am sure my grandson will appreciate the ones I am going to
donate to him for his. - Gerry